Theme 3: Connecting men's relationships, mental illnesses (including anxiety and depression) and suicide risk

Theme 3 focuses on developing upstream avenues for preventing anxiety, depression and suicidality by engaging men to build better relationships.

Difficulties diagnosing and treating men’s anxiety and depression can lead to increased male suicide risk. Relatedly, men’s intimate partner relationships are poorly understood from a strength-based critical masculinities perspective. The RMS Theme 3 aims to explore upstream avenues, such as healthy intimate partner relationships and peer support, for male suicide prevention.

Dr. Rice’s research program focuses on young men's depression and suicidality, and he will lead Theme 3, ‘Connecting men’s relationships, mental illnesses (including anxiety and depression) and suicide risk’. Dr. Rice will guide PhD Candidate Fisher’s study (PhD supervisors Drs. Rice and Seidler) of men’s anxiety, PhD Candidate Wilson’s investigation (PhD supervisors Drs. Rice and Seidler) of men’s intimate partner relationship break-ups and suicidality, and Dr. Sharp’s (PDF supervisors Drs. Oliffe and Ogrodniczuk) development of an e-mental health intervention to promote men’s social connection and mutual help-giving in reducing male suicide. With secondary data analyses opportunities through Dr. Rice’s Macedon Ranges healthier masculinities project and Dr. Oliffe’s Men Building Better Relationships program, trainees (Fisher, Wilson and Sharp) will be mentored to lead RMS peer reviewed publications in addition to their primary projects.



Simon RicePaul SharpKrista FisherMichael Wilson

Related Publications
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Profiling 22,151 male presentations to emergency department Wilson, M., Byrne, S., Fisher, K., Seidler, Z. E., Kavalidou, K.  PsyArXiv Preprints
Working with men in the context of distressed and disrupted intimate partner relationships: A qualitative study Sharp, P., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Sha, M., Kelly, M. T., Montaner, G. G., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M., Oliffe, J. L. Patient Education and Counseling
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Young men and anxiety: resisting, reckoning, and responding Fisher, K., Rice, S. M., Oliffe, J. L., King, K., Seidler, Z. E.  Sociology of Health & Illness
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Suicidal ideation in men during COVID-19: an examination of protective factors Seidler, Z. E., Wilson, M. J., Oliffe, J. L., Fisher, K., O'Connor, R., Pirkis, J., Rice, S. M.  BMC Psychiatry
Social support buffers young men's resilient coping to psychological distress Sharp, P., Oliffe, J. L., Kealy, D., Rice, S. M., Seidler, Z. E., Ogrodniczuk, J. Early Intervention in Psychiatry
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Male-Type Depression Mediates the Relationship between Avoidant Coping and Suicidal Ideation in Men O'Gorman, K., Wilson, M. J., Seidler, Z. E., English, D., Zajac, I. T., Fisher, K. S., Rice, S. M. International journal of environmental research and public health
Mapping Men’s mental health help-seeking after an intimate partner relationship break-up Oliffe, J. L., Kelly, M. T., Montaner, G. G., Seidler, Z. E., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Rice, S. M. Qualitative Health Research
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Men's anxiety, why it matters, and whats is needed to limit its risk for male suicide Fisher, K., Seidler, Z. E., King, K., Oliffe, J. L., Robertson, S., Rice, S. M. Discover
Social disconnection and psychological distress in Canadian men during the COVID-19 pandemic Simpson, N.J., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. American Journal of Men's Health
Conditional process modeling of the relationship among self-reliance, loneliness, and depressive symptoms, and the moderating effect of feeling understood Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Oliffe, J. L., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z. E., Black, N., & Rice, S. M The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
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Men’s anxiety: A systematic review Fisher, K., Seidler, Z., King, K., Oliffe, J.L., & Rice, S. Journal of Affective Disorders
Promoting healthier masculinities as a suicide prevention intervention in a regional Australian community: Stakeholder perspectives Trail, K., Oliffe, J.L., Patel, D., Robinson, J., King, K., Armstrong, G., Seidler, Z., Walton, C., Wilson, M., & Rice, S.M. Frontiers in Sociology
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Social anxiety and suicidality among men: Examining the effects of loneliness and childhood trauma Kealy, D., Rice, S., Seidler, Z., Ogrodniczuk, J., & Oliffe, J.L. Current Psychology
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The anxiety depression pathway among men following a prostate cancer diagnosis: Cross-sectional interactions between anger responses and loneliness Rice, S., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J., Seidler, Z., Gonzalez Montaner, G., Chambers, S., & Oliffe, J.L. American Journal of Men’s Health
Development of a graphic medicine-enabled social media-based intervention for youth social anxiety Rice, S. M., O'Bree, B., Wilson, M., McEnery, C., Lim, M. H., Hamilton, M., Gleeson, J., Bendall, S., D'Alfonso, S., Russon, P., Valentine, L., Cagliarini, D., Howell, S, Miles, C., Pearson, M., Álvarez-Jiménez, M. Clinical Psychologist
Severe and complex youth depression: Clinical and historical features of young people attending a tertiary mood disorders clinic Rice, S. M., McKechnie, B., Cotton, S., Brooker, A., Pilkington, V., Youzchalveen, B., Schmaal, L., Davey, C. G.  Early Intervention in Psychiatry
Investigating attachment insecurity and somatosensory amplification, and the mediating role of interpersonal problems. Kealy, D., Rice, S. M., Chartier, G., B., Cox, D. W.,  European Journal of Health Psychology
Operationalizing positive masculinity: A theoretical synthesis and school-based framework to engage boys and young men Wilson, M., Gwyther, K., Swann, R., Casey, K., Featherston, R., Oliffe, J.L., Englar-Carlson, M. & Rice, S.M. Health Promotion International
Shame, guilt, and suicidal thoughts: The interaction matters Kealy, D., Treeby, M. S., Rice, S. M. British Journal of Clinical Psychology
Segmenting or Summing the Parts?: A Scoping Review of Male Suicide Research in Canada Oliffe, J.L, Kelly, M., Gonzalez Montaner, G., Links, P., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Self-reported mental health challenges among Canadian Veterans pursuing post-secondary education in Canada Ogrodniczuk, J., Oliffe, J.L. & Laider, T. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health
How to save a life: Vital clues from men who have attempted suicide Oliffe, J.L., Ferlatte, O., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Seidler, Z.E., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M. Qualitative Health Research
Process evaluation of HAT TRICK: feasibility, acceptability and opportunities for programme refinement Sharp, P., Bottorff, J. L., Oliffe, J. L., Hunt, K., Caperchione, C. M.,  Health Education Research
Virtual connection, real support? A study of loneliness, time on social media and distress among men †Seidler, Z., Wilson, M., Rice, S., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J. International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Dispositional connectedness and depressive symptoms among help-seeking outpatients: the mediating role of self-concealment Kealy, D., Rice, S. M. The European Journal of Psychiatry
Narcissism and Quality of Life: The Mediating Role of Relationship Patterns Ellison, W. D., Acuff, M. C., Kealy, D., Joyce, A. S., Ogrodniczuk, J. S. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Distress Concealment and Depression Symptoms in a National Sample of Canadian Men: Feeling understood and loneliness as sequential mediators Cox, D. W., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Oliffe, J. L., Kealy, D., Rice, S. M., Kahn, J. H. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Suicide risk, psychological distress and treatment preferences in men presenting with prototypical, externalising and mixed depressive symptomology Zajac, I. T., Rice, S., Proeve, M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J., Ogrodniczuk, J.S. Journal of Mental Health
Borderline personality features and impeded personal growth initiative: The importance of dispositional optimism Kealy, D., Cox, D. W., Rice, S. M. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
The cost of bottling it up: Emotion suppression as a mediator in the relationship between anger and depression among men with prostate cancer Rice, S. M., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Seidler, Z. E., Denehy, L., Oliffe, J. L.  Cancer Management and Research
One small step for man, one giant leap for men’s health: a meta-analysis of behaviour change interventions to increase men’s physical activity Sharp, P., Spence, J. C., Bottorff, J. L., Oliffe, J. L., Hunt, K., Vis-Dunbar, M., Caperchione, C. M.  British Journal of Sports Medicine
Childhood adversity and depressive symptoms among young adults: Examining the roles of individuation difficulties and perceived social support Kealy, D., Rice, S. M., Cox, D. W.  Early Intervention in Psychiatry
Community-based men’s health promotion programs: eight lessons learnt and their caveats Oliffe, J. L., Rossnagel, E., Bottorff, J. L., Chambers, S. K., Caperchione, C., Rice, S. M. Health Promotion International
Take me back to move me forward: Re-enactment of the family system as a pathway to better quality of life for alexithymic patients in group therapy Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Cheek, J., Kealy, D., Sӧchting  Psychiatria Danubina
Meta-analysis of behaviour change interventions to increase physical activity among men Sharp, P., Spence, J., Bottorff, J., Oliffe, J., Hunt, K., Vis-Dunbar, M., Caperchione, C. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
Men’s depression and suicide Oliffe, J. L., Rossnagel, E., Seidler, Z. E., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Rice, S. M.  Current Psychiatry Reports
A mixed-methods study of the health-related masculine values among young Canadian men. Oliffe, J. L., Rice, S., Kelly, M. T., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Broom, A., Robertson, S., Black, N.  Psychology of Men & Masculinities
Shame and guilt mediate the effects of alexithymia on distress and suicide-related behaviours among men Rice, S. M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J. L., Treeby, M. S., Ogrodniczuk, J. S. Psychology, Health & Medicine
Unpacking social isolation in men’s suicidality Oliffe, J. L., Broom, A., Popa, M., Jenkins, E. K., Rice, S. M., Ferlatte, O., Rossnagel, E.  Qualitative Health Research

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