Recent publications from members of the Reducing Male Suicide research excellence cluster.
Title | Authors | Journal | Publication date |
A randomized wait-list controlled trial of Men in Mind: Enhancing mental health practitioners' self-rated clinical competencies to work with men | Seidler, Z. E., Wilson, M. J., Benakovic, R., Mackinnon, A., Oliffe, J. L., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Kealy, D., Owen, J., Pirkis, J., Mihalopoulos, C., Le, L. K-D., Rice, S. M. | American Psychologist | |
Supporting clinical competencies in men's mental health using the Men in Mind practitioner training program: User experience study | Seidler, Z. E., Benakovic, R., Wilson, M. J., Fletcher, J. Oliffe, J. L., Owen, J., Rice, S. M. | JMIR Medical Education | |
Drivers of dropout and enhancers of engagement for male military veterans in therapy: practitioner perspectives | Benakovic, R., Wilson, M. J., Kealy, D., Rice, S. M., Oliffe, J. L., Sharp, P., Seidler, Z. | Counselling Psychology Quarterly | |
Men's accounts of anxiety: A photovoice study | McKenzie, S., Kelly, M. T., Cooney, E., Oliffe, J. L., | SSM - Qualitative Research in Health | |
"Hey Amir, how are you REALLY doing?": Participant perspectives of a peer-based suicide prevention campaign for men | Sharp, P., Zhu, P., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Seidler, Z. E., Wilson, M. J., Fisher, K., Oliffe, J. L. | American Journal of Men's Health | |
Men's psychotherapy dropout is associated with conformity to traditional masculinities ideology | Schneeberger, M., Ehlert, U., Eggenberger, L., Seidler, Z., Wilson, M., Fisher, K., Walther, A. | PsyArXiv Preprints | |
Profiling 22,151 male presentations to emergency department | Wilson, M., Byrne, S., Fisher, K., Seidler, Z. E., Kavalidou, K. | PsyArXiv Preprints | |
Working with men in the context of distressed and disrupted intimate partner relationships: A qualitative study | Sharp, P., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Sha, M., Kelly, M. T., Montaner, G. G., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M., Oliffe, J. L. | Patient Education and Counseling | |
The ICD-11 opens door for overdue improved identification of depression in men | Østergaard, S. D., Seidler, Z. Rice, S. | World Psychiatry | |
Colonization drives silence and inequities in men’s mental illness | McKenzie, S. K., Roguski, M., & Every-Palmer, S. | Nature Mental Health | |
Neo-traditionalist, egalitarian and progressive masculinities in men's heterosexual intimate partner relationships | Oliffe, J. L., Kelly, M. T., Gao, N., Mootz, J., Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M. | Social Science & Medicine | |
Pathways and Patterns for Communication with Intimate Partners: Men’s Retrospectives After a Relationship Breakdown | Oliffe, J. L., Kelly, M. T., Gonzalez Montaner, G., Seidler, Z. E., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Kealy, D., Rice, S. M. | Men and Masculinities | |
Differentiating the role of alcohol in young men's use of substances with sex: A qualitative study | Goodyear, T., Oliffe, J. L., Parent, N., Mniszak, C., Jenkins, E., Knight, R. | Harm Reduction Journal | |
The case for an against doing virtual photo voice | Oliffe, J. L., Gao, N., Kelly, M. T., Fernandez, C. C., Salavati, H., Sha, M., Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M. | International Journal of Qualitative Methods | |
Making moves: involved fathers experiences of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside family walking program | Webb, J. M., Darroch, F. E., Giles, A. R., Oliffe, J. L. | Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health | |
Designing men's health programs: the 5C framework | Galdas, P., Seidler, Z. E., Oliffe, J. L. | American Journal of Men's Health | |
Silence and its manifestations in men’s mental illness | Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Oliffe, J. L., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z. E., Sharp, P., Rice, S. M. | Nature Mental Health | |
Evaluation of a male-specific psychotherapeutic program for major depressive disorder compared to cognitive behavioral therapy and waitlist: study protocol for a six-arm randomized clinical superiority trial examining depressed eugonadal and hypogonadal | Walther, A., Ehlert, U., Schneeberger, M., Eggenberger, L., Flückiger, C., Komlenac, N., Heald, A., Rice, T., Palm, S., Seidler, Z., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Oliffe, J. L., Rice, S. M., Kealy, D., Weber, R., Zimmerman, D. | Frontiers in Psychiatry | |
Childhood sexual abuse in boys and men: The case for gender-sensitive interventions | O'Gorman, K., Pilkington, V., Seidler, Z., Oliffe, J. L., Peters, W., Bendall, S., Rice, S. M. | Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy | |
Anchoring to life: a photovoice study of resiliencies among sexual and gender minority women post-suicide attempt | Shivinder, D., Oliffe, J. L., Goodyear, T., Ferlatte, O., McAuliffe, C., Jenkins, E. | SSM-Qualitative Research in Health | |
Why do queer men experience negative body image? A narrative review and testable stigma model | Bonell, S., Wilson, M. J., Griffiths, S., Rice, S. M., Seidler, Z. E. | Body Image | |
Distress disclosure and psychological distress among men: the role of feeling understood and loneliness | Keum, B. T., Oliffe, J. L., Rice, S. M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z. E., Cox, D. W., Levant, R. F., Ogrodniczuk, J. S. | Current Psychology | |
Young men and anxiety: resisting, reckoning, and responding | Fisher, K., Rice, S. M., Oliffe, J. L., King, K., Seidler, Z. E. | Sociology of Health & Illness | |
Connecting Australian masculinities and culture to mental health: men's perspectives and experiences | Sharp, P., Oliffe, J. L., Bottorff, J. L., Rice, S. M., Schulenkorf, N., Caperchione, C. M. | Men and Masculinities | |
Existential isolation and psychological distress during COVID-19: The role of loneliness and resilient coping in Canadian help-seeking men | Sharp, P., Kealy, D., Rice, S. M., Seidler, Z. E., Olive, J. L., Ogrodniczuk, J. S. | Journal of Affective Disorders | |
Engaging men in intimate partner relationship programs: service provider and stake holder perspectives | Sharp, P., Coroiu, A., Rice, S. M., Seidler, Z. E., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Oliffe, J. L. | American Journal of Men's Health | |
A Preliminary Study of the Interactive Effect of Avoidant Personality Disorder Symptoms and Expressive Suppression on the Outcome of a Psychodynamically Oriented Day Treatment Program | Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Kealy, D., Cox, D. W., Mielimaka, M., Joyce, A. S. | Psychodynamic Psychiatry | |
Suicidal ideation among men during COVID-19: Examining the roles of loneliness, thwarted belongingness, and personality impairment | Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Sivagurunathan, M., Kealy, D., Rice, S. M., Seidler, Z. E., Oliffe, J. L. | Scandinavian Journal of Psychology | |
Suicidal ideation in men during COVID-19: an examination of protective factors | Seidler, Z. E., Wilson, M. J., Oliffe, J. L., Fisher, K., O'Connor, R., Pirkis, J., Rice, S. M. | BMC Psychiatry | |
Social support buffers young men's resilient coping to psychological distress | Sharp, P., Oliffe, J. L., Kealy, D., Rice, S. M., Seidler, Z. E., Ogrodniczuk, J. | Early Intervention in Psychiatry | |
"I'm trying to be there for my kids": A needs analysis of fathers who experience health inequities in Vancouver, Canada | Darroch, F. E., Oliffe, J. L., Montaner, G. G., Webb, J. M. | Men and Masculinities | |
Status loss due to COVID-19, traditional masculinity, and their association with recent suicide attempts and suicidal ideation. | Walther, A., Grub, J., Tsar, S., Ehlert, U., Heald, A., Perrin, R., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J. L., Eggenberger, L. | Psychology of Men & Masculinities | |
Preventing Suicide in Boys and Men 26 | Pirkis, J., King, K., Rice, S., Seidler, Z., Leckning, B., Oliffe, J. L., Vella, S., Schlichthorst, M. | Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention | |
“I could hang up if the practitioner was a prat”: Australian men’s feedback on telemental healthcare during COVID-19 | Seidler, Z. E., Wilson, M. J., Oliffe, J. L., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Walther, A., Rice, S. M. | Plos one | |
Suicide amongst young Inuit males: The perspectives of Inuit health and wellness workers in Nunavik | Affleck, W., Oliffe, J. L., Inukpuk, M. M., Tempier, R., Darroch, F., Crawford, A., Seguin, M. | SSM-Qualitative Research in Health | |
Men, relationships and partner-initiated break-ups: A narrative analysis | Oliffe, J. L., Kelly, M. T., Montaner, G. G., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Sharp, P., Rice, S. M. | Health psychology open | |
Masculinities and men’s emotions in and after intimate partner relationships | Oliffe, J. L., Broom, A., Ridge, D., Kelly, M. T., Gonzalez Montaner, G., Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M. | Sociology of Health & Illness | |
Connecting and healing: The role of existential isolation in mediating the impact of the therapeutic relationship on Canadian men’s mental health outcomes | Storey, Q. K., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z. E., Oliffe, J. L., Rice, S. M., Ogrodniczuk, J. S. | American Journal of Men's Health | |
Men’s depression, externalizing, and DSM-5-TR: primary signs and symptoms or co-occurring symptoms? | Rice, S., Seidler, Z., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J., Zajac, I., Oliffe. | Harvard Review of Psychiatry | |
Male-Type Depression Mediates the Relationship between Avoidant Coping and Suicidal Ideation in Men | O'Gorman, K., Wilson, M. J., Seidler, Z. E., English, D., Zajac, I. T., Fisher, K. S., Rice, S. M. | International journal of environmental research and public health | |
“I Called When I Was at My Lowest”: Australian Men’s Experiences of Crisis Helplines | Trail, K., Wilson, M. J., Rice, S. M., Hunt, T., Pirkis, J., Seidler, Z. E. | International journal of environmental research and public health | |
Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of the Men in Mind training for mental health practitioners to enhance their clinical competencies for working with male clients | Seidler, Z. E., Wilson, M. J., Toogood, N. W., Oliffe, J. L., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Owen, J., Mackinnon, A., Le, L. K., Mihalopoulos, C., Pirkis, J., Rice. S. | BMC psychology | |
Mapping Men’s mental health help-seeking after an intimate partner relationship break-up | Oliffe, J. L., Kelly, M. T., Montaner, G. G., Seidler, Z. E., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Rice, S. M. | Qualitative Health Research | |
Exploring teacher and parent perspectives on school-based masculinities in relation to mental health promotion | Wilson, M. J., Gwyther, K., Simmons, M., Swann, R., Oliffe, J. L., Casey, K., Rice, S. M. | Frontiers in Psychology | |
Sexual abuse and mental ill health in boys and men: what we do and don't know | Rice, S. M., Easton, S. D., Seidler, Z. E., Oliffe, J. L. | BJPsych open | |
Prevalence and correlates of mental health symptoms and well-being among elite sport coaches and high-performance support staff | Pilkington, V., Rice, S. M., Walton, C. C., Gwyther, K., Olive, L., Butterworth, M., Clements, M., Cross, G., Purcell, R. | Sports Medicine Open | |
HeadsUpGuys: An E-Mental Health Resource for Men with Depression | Ogrodniczuk, J., Beharry, J., Oliffe, J. | Rhode Island Medical Journal | |
“Appreciate the little things”: A qualitative survey of men’s coping strategies and mental health impacts during the COVID-19 pandemic | Wilson, M. J., Seidler, Z. E., Oliffe, J. L., Toogood, N., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Walther, A., Rice, S. M. | American Journal of Men's Health | |
Psychic pain among men: factor structure, psychosocial correlates, and mediation of social connectedness and suicidal ideation | Kealy, D., Chartier, G. B., Walther, A., Rice, S. M., Seidler, Z. E., Oliffe, J. L., Ogrodniczuk, J. S. | The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease | |
Psychological safety in elite sport settings: a psychometric study of the Sport Psychological Safety Inventory | Rice, S. M., Walton, C. C., Pilkington, V., Gwyther, K., Olive, L. S., Lloyd, M., Kountouris, K., Butterworth, M., Clements, M., Purcell, R. | BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine | |
The effectiveness of a media-based intervention promoting help-seeking for mental health difficulties by Australian men: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial | Nicholas, A., Requena, S. S., Ftanou, M., Rice, S., Fletcher, J., Mackinnon, A., Seidler, Z., Le, L. K., Mihalopoulos, C., Pirkis, J. | Trials | |
Examining the Role of Traditional Masculinity and Depression in Men’s Risk for Contracting COVID-19 | Walther, A., Eggenberger, L., Grub, J., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J., Ehlert, E. | Behavioural Science | |
Masculinity and mental illness in and after men's intimate partner relationships | Oliffe, J.L., Kelly, M.T, Gonzalez Montaner, G., Seidler, Z.S., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Kealy, D., & Rice, S. | Social Science & Medicine | |
“People say men don’t talk, well that’s bullshit”: A focus group study exploring challenges and opportunities for men’s mental health promotion | Sharp, P., Bottorff, J., Rice, S., Oliffe, J.L., Schulenkorf, N., Impellizzeri, F., & Caperchione, C. | PLOS ONE | |
Men's anxiety, why it matters, and whats is needed to limit its risk for male suicide | Fisher, K., Seidler, Z. E., King, K., Oliffe, J. L., Robertson, S., Rice, S. M. | Discover | |
Job satisfaction and psychological distress among help-seeking men: Does meaning in life play a role? | Simard, A. A. P., Seidler, Z. E., Oliffe, J. L., Rice, S. M., Kealy, D., Walther, A., Ogrodniczuk, J. S. | Behavioural Sciences | |
Social disconnection and psychological distress in Canadian men during the COVID-19 pandemic | Simpson, N.J., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. | American Journal of Men's Health | |
Men’s experiences of Mental Illness Stigma across the lifespan: A scoping review | McKenzie, S.K., Oliffe, J.L., Black, A., & Collings, S. | American Journal of Men's Health | |
An evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale in a sample of help-seeking men | Rice, S.R., Trail, K., Walton, C.C., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. | Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy | |
Conditional process modeling of the relationship among self-reliance, loneliness, and depressive symptoms, and the moderating effect of feeling understood | Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Oliffe, J. L., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z. E., Black, N., & Rice, S. M | The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease | |
Reflective functioning and men’s mental health: Associations with resilience and personal growth initiative | Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S. | Stress and Health | |
Who is coming through the door? A national survey of self‐reported problems among post‐secondary school students who have attended campus mental health services in Canada | Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Kealy, D., Laverdiere, O. | Counselling and Psychotherapy Research | |
Men’s anxiety: A systematic review | Fisher, K., Seidler, Z., King, K., Oliffe, J.L., & Rice, S. | Journal of Affective Disorders | |
Promoting healthier masculinities as a suicide prevention intervention in a regional Australian community: Stakeholder perspectives | Trail, K., Oliffe, J.L., Patel, D., Robinson, J., King, K., Armstrong, G., Seidler, Z., Walton, C., Wilson, M., & Rice, S.M. | Frontiers in Sociology | |
An evaluation of 5-year web analytics for HeadsUpGuys: A men’s depression e-mental health resource | Ogrodniczuk, J., Beharry, J., & Oliffe, J.L. | American Journal of Men’s Health | |
Leveraging physical activity to engage men in mental health promotion: Informing future directions for lifestyle interventions | Bottorff, J., Caperchione, C., Impellizzeri, F., Oliffe, J., Rice, S., Schulenkorf, N., Sharp, P. | Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport | |
Pilot evaluation of the Men in Mind training program for mental health practitioners | Seidler, Z.E., Owen, J., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J., Oliffe, J.L., Wilson, M., Rice, S., & Toogood, N. | Psychology of Men & Masculinities | |
Recognition and management of depression in men | Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M. | Medicine Today | |
"Eventually, I admitted, I cannot do this alone": Exploring experiences of suicidality and help-seeking drivers among Australian men | Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M.J., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Toogood, N., Ogrodniczuk, J., & Rice, S.M. | Frontiers in Sociology | |
Male-type depression symptoms in young men with a history of childhood sexual abuse and current hazardous alcohol use | Rice, S., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z., Walton, C., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodnickzuk, J. | Psychiatry Research | |
Men’s shame and anger: Examining the roles of alexithymia and psychological distress | Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Wilson, M.J., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. | The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied | |
Reduced emotional awareness and distress concealment: A pathway to loneliness for young men seeking mental health care | Kealy, D., Seidler, Z., Rice, S., Cox, D., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J., & Kim, D. (2021) | Frontiers in Psychology | |
Psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study of online help-seeking Canadian men | Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Rice, S.,M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Delara, M., Oliffe, J.L. | Postgraduate Medicine | |
Challenges working with men: Australian therapists’ perspectives | Seidler, Z., Wilson, M., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J., Rice, S., & Oliffe, J.L. | Journal of Clinical Psychology | |
Teaching gender competency with men in mind: Development of an online training program for mental health clinicians | Seidler, Z., Wilson, M., Owen, J., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J., Kealy, D., & Rice, S. | The Journal of Men’s Studies | |
Gender norms and the mental health of boys and young men | Rice, S., Oliffe, J.L., Seidler, Z., Borschmann, R., Pirkis, J., Reavley, N., Patton, G. | The Lancet Public Health | |
Zoom interviews: Benefits and concessions | Oliffe, J.L., Kelly, M.T., Gonzalez Montaner, G., &. Yu Ko, W. | International Journal of Qualitative Methods | |
Australian men’s initial pathways to mental health services | Seidler, Z., Wilson, M., Walton, C., Fisher, K., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J., & Rice, S. | Health Promotion Journal of Australia | |
Status loss due to COVID-19, traditional masculinity, and the prediction of suicidal ideation and recent suicide attempts | Walther, A., Grub, J., Tsar, S., Ehlert, U., Heald, A., Perrin, R., Ogrodniczuk, J., Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J. & Eggenberger, L. | PsySrXi | |
Social anxiety and suicidality among men: Examining the effects of loneliness and childhood trauma | Kealy, D., Rice, S., Seidler, Z., Ogrodniczuk, J., & Oliffe, J.L. | Current Psychology | |
Distress disclosure and psychological distress among men: The role of feeling understood and loneliness | TaeHyuk Keum, B., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S.R., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Cox, D.W., Levant, R.F., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. | Current Psychology | |
Can lifestyle interventions improve Canadian men’s mental health? Outcomes from the HAT TRICK programme | Sharp, P., Stolp, S., Bottorff, J. L., Oliffe, J. L., Hunt, K., Caperchione, C. M. | Health Promotion International | |
A national survey of self-reported mental health of Veterans pursuing post-secondary education in Canada | Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Laidler, T., & Oliffe, J.L. | Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health | |
Men’s preference for therapist gender: Predictors and impact on satisfaction with therapy | Seidler, Z., Wilson, M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J., & Rice, S. | Counselling Psychology Quarterly | |
The anxiety depression pathway among men following a prostate cancer diagnosis: Cross-sectional interactions between anger responses and loneliness | Rice, S., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J., Seidler, Z., Gonzalez Montaner, G., Chambers, S., & Oliffe, J.L. | American Journal of Men’s Health | |
A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Gender-Sensitive Rite of Passage Program for Adolescent Males | Wilson, M., Gwyther, K., Swann, R., Casey, K., Keele, S., Rubinstein, A., Rice, S. | International Journal of Men's Social and Community Health | |
Men’s dropout from mental health services: Results from a survey of Australian men across the lifespan | Seidler, Z., Wilson, M., Ogrodniczuk, J., Rice, S.M., Oliffe, J.L., & Kealy, D. | American Journal of Men's Health | |
Development of a graphic medicine-enabled social media-based intervention for youth social anxiety | Rice, S. M., O'Bree, B., Wilson, M., McEnery, C., Lim, M. H., Hamilton, M., Gleeson, J., Bendall, S., D'Alfonso, S., Russon, P., Valentine, L., Cagliarini, D., Howell, S, Miles, C., Pearson, M., Álvarez-Jiménez, M. | Clinical Psychologist | |
Severe and complex youth depression: Clinical and historical features of young people attending a tertiary mood disorders clinic | Rice, S. M., McKechnie, B., Cotton, S., Brooker, A., Pilkington, V., Youzchalveen, B., Schmaal, L., Davey, C. G. | Early Intervention in Psychiatry | |
Investigating attachment insecurity and somatosensory amplification, and the mediating role of interpersonal problems. | Kealy, D., Rice, S. M., Chartier, G., B., Cox, D. W., | European Journal of Health Psychology | |
Barriers to physical activity for father's living in marginalizing conditions | Darroch, F.E., Oliffe, J.L., Gonzalez Montaner, G., & Webb, J.M. | Health | |
Operationalizing positive masculinity: A theoretical synthesis and school-based framework to engage boys and young men | Wilson, M., Gwyther, K., Swann, R., Casey, K., Featherston, R., Oliffe, J.L., Englar-Carlson, M. & Rice, S.M. | Health Promotion International | |
Shame, guilt, and suicidal thoughts: The interaction matters | Kealy, D., Treeby, M. S., Rice, S. M. | British Journal of Clinical Psychology | |
Male depression risk, psychological distress, and psychotherapy uptake: validation of the German version of the male depression risk scale | Walther, A., Grub, J., Ehlert, U., Wehrli, S., Rice, S., Seidler, Z. E., Debelak, R. | Journal of Affective Disorders Reports | |
Men’s Physical Activity and Sleep Following a Workplace Health Intervention: Findings from the POWERPLAY STEP Up challenge | Seaton, C. L., Bottorff, J. L., Soprovich, A. L., Johnson, S. T., Duncan, M. J., Caperchione, C. M., Oliffe, J. L., Rice, S., James, C., Eurich, D. T. | American Journal of Men's Health | |
Men building better relationships: A Scoping Review | Oliffe, J.L, Kelly, M., Gonzalez Montaner, G., Seidler, Z.E., Maher, B., & Rice, S.M. | Health Promotion Journal of Australia | |
Challenging assumptions about what men want: Examining preferences for psychotherapy among men attending outpatient mental health clinics | Kealy, D., Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M., Oliffe, J. L., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., & Kim, D. | Professional Psychology, Research and Practice | |
Segmenting or Summing the Parts?: A Scoping Review of Male Suicide Research in Canada | Oliffe, J.L, Kelly, M., Gonzalez Montaner, G., Links, P., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J. | The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry | |
How to save a life: Vital clues from men who have attempted suicide | Oliffe, J.L., Ferlatte, O., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Seidler, Z.E., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M. | Qualitative Health Research | |
Self-reported mental health challenges among Canadian Veterans pursuing post-secondary education in Canada | Ogrodniczuk, J., Oliffe, J.L. & Laider, T. | Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health | |
Shame and guilt as mediators between dispositional optimism and symptom severity among mental health outpatients | Kealy, D., Treeby, M. S., Rice, S. M., Spidel, A. | Psychology, Health & Medicine | |
Men’s health literacy: a review and recommendations | Oliffe, J. L., Rossnagel, E., Kelly, M. T., Bottorff, J. L., Seaton, C., & Darroch, F | Health Promotion International | |
Peering behind the mask: The roles of reactance and gender in the relationship between self-esteem and interpersonal problems | Seidler Z., Rosenberg, J., Rice, S., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk. | Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy | |
Process evaluation of HAT TRICK: feasibility, acceptability and opportunities for programme refinement | Sharp, P., Bottorff, J. L., Oliffe, J. L., Hunt, K., Caperchione, C. M., | Health Education Research | |
Virtual connection, real support? A study of loneliness, time on social media and distress among men | †Seidler, Z., Wilson, M., Rice, S., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J. | International Journal of Social Psychiatry | |
Patterns of youth mental health service use and discontinuation: Population data from Australia’s headspace model of care | Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M., Dhillon, H. M., Cotton, S. M., Telford, N. R., McEachran, J., Rickwood, D. J. | Psychiatric Services | |
Male-Type and Prototypal Depression Trajectories for Men Experiencing Mental Health Problems | Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., Levant, R.F., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | |
Help-seeking prior to male suicide: Bereaved men perspectives | Oliffe, J.L., Broom, A., Rossnagel, E., Kelly, M.T., Affleck, W., & Rice, S.M. | Social Science & Medicine | |
Dispositional connectedness and depressive symptoms among help-seeking outpatients: the mediating role of self-concealment | Kealy, D., Rice, S. M. | The European Journal of Psychiatry | |
Inequities in Depression within a Population of Sexual and Gender Minorities | †Ferlatte, O., Salway, T., Rice, S. M., Oliffe, J. L., Knight, R., & Ogrodniczuk, J. S. | Journal of Mental Health | |
Männliche formen der depression und deren Behandlung | Walther, A., Seidler, Z. E. | PiD-Psychotherapie im Dialog | |
Suicidality, Maladaptive Externalising Behaviours and Sexual Orientation: Results from an Online Representative Sample of Canadian Men | Ferlatte, O., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. | International Journal of Mental Health | |
Trauma-Informed Approaches to Physical activity: A Scoping Study | Darroch, F.E., Roett, C., Varcoe, C., OIiffe, J.L. & Gonzalez Montaner, G. | Complementary Therapies in Medicine | |
Narcissism and Quality of Life: The Mediating Role of Relationship Patterns | Ellison, W. D., Acuff, M. C., Kealy, D., Joyce, A. S., Ogrodniczuk, J. S. | The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease | |
Sexual Violence Among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Two-Spirit Peoples: A Scoping Review | Dame, J., Oliffe, J.L., Hill, N., Carrier, L., & Evans-Amalu, K. | Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality | |
Once Bitten, Twice Shy: Dissatisfaction with Previous Therapy and its Implication for Future Help-seeking Among Men | Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. | International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine | |
Distress Concealment and Depression Symptoms in a National Sample of Canadian Men: Feeling understood and loneliness as sequential mediators | Cox, D. W., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Oliffe, J. L., Kealy, D., Rice, S. M., Kahn, J. H. | The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease | |
Depression and suicide literacy among Canadian sexual and gender minorities | Ferlatte, O., Salway, T., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S., Gilbert, M., Young, I., McDaid, L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Knight, R. | Archives of Suicide Research | |
Sexual and gender minorities’ readiness and interest in support peers experiencing suicide-related behaviours | Ferlatte, O., Salway, T., Oliffe, J.L., Kia, H., Rice, S., Morgan, J., Lowik, A.J., & Knight, R. | Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention | |
Men’s Help-Seeking for Depression: Attitudinal and Structural Barriers in Symptomatic Men | Rice, S.M., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. | Journal of Primary Care & Community Health | |
Suicide risk, psychological distress and treatment preferences in men presenting with prototypical, externalising and mixed depressive symptomology | Zajac, I. T., Rice, S., Proeve, M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J., Ogrodniczuk, J.S. | Journal of Mental Health | |
Health-related Masculine Values, Depression and Suicide Risk: Associations Among Men with a History of Childhood Maltreatment | Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Black, N., Seidler, Z.E., & OIiffe, J.L. | Journal of Mental Health | |
Addressing Ethical Issues in Studying Men’s Traumatic Stress | Affleck, W., Oliffe, J.L., McKenzie, S., Ridge, D., Jenkins, E., & Broom, A. | International Journal of Men's Social and Community Health | |
Borderline personality features and impeded personal growth initiative: The importance of dispositional optimism | Kealy, D., Cox, D. W., Rice, S. M. | International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction | |
The cost of bottling it up: Emotion suppression as a mediator in the relationship between anger and depression among men with prostate cancer | Rice, S. M., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Seidler, Z. E., Denehy, L., Oliffe, J. L. | Cancer Management and Research | |
One small step for man, one giant leap for men’s health: a meta-analysis of behaviour change interventions to increase men’s physical activity | Sharp, P., Spence, J. C., Bottorff, J. L., Oliffe, J. L., Hunt, K., Vis-Dunbar, M., Caperchione, C. M. | British Journal of Sports Medicine | |
Improving social functioning and life satisfaction among patients with personality dysfunction: Connectedness and engagement in integrative group treatment | Kealy, D., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Ehrenthal, J. C., Weber, R., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Joyce, A. S. | Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy | |
What gets in the way? Men’s perspectives of barriers to mental health services | Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. | Sage Journals | |
Childhood adversity and depressive symptoms among young adults: Examining the roles of individuation difficulties and perceived social support | Kealy, D., Rice, S. M., Cox, D. W. | Early Intervention in Psychiatry | |
Get angry or get even: Finding balance in the discussion of masculinity and mental health | Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M., Dhillon, H. M. | Australia & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry | |
Getting Them Through the Door: a Survey of Men’s Facilitators for Seeking Mental Health Treatment | Seidler, Z. E., Rice,S. M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L. & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. | International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction | |
Community-based men’s health promotion programs: eight lessons learnt and their caveats | Oliffe, J. L., Rossnagel, E., Bottorff, J. L., Chambers, S. K., Caperchione, C., Rice, S. M. | Health Promotion International | |
Take me back to move me forward: Re-enactment of the family system as a pathway to better quality of life for alexithymic patients in group therapy | Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Cheek, J., Kealy, D., Sӧchting | Psychiatria Danubina | |
Meta-analysis of behaviour change interventions to increase physical activity among men | Sharp, P., Spence, J., Bottorff, J., Oliffe, J., Hunt, K., Vis-Dunbar, M., Caperchione, C. | Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport | |
Men’s health literacy: a review and recommendations | Oliffe, J. L., Rossnagel, E., Kelly, M. T., Bottorff, J. L., Seaton, C., Darroch, F. E. | Health Promotion International | |
Men’s depression and suicide | Oliffe, J. L., Rossnagel, E., Seidler, Z. E., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Rice, S. M. | Current Psychiatry Reports | |
A mixed-methods study of the health-related masculine values among young Canadian men. | Oliffe, J. L., Rice, S., Kelly, M. T., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Broom, A., Robertson, S., Black, N. | Psychology of Men & Masculinities | |
Getting absorbed in group therapy: Absorption and cohesion in integrative group treatment | Kealy, D., McCloskey, K. D., Cox, D. W., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Joyce, A. S. | Counselling & Psychotherapy Research | |
Shame and guilt mediate the effects of alexithymia on distress and suicide-related behaviours among men | Rice, S. M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J. L., Treeby, M. S., Ogrodniczuk, J. S. | Psychology, Health & Medicine | |
Why it’s time to focus on masculinity in mental health training and clinical practice | Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M., Dhillon, H. M., Herrman, H. | Australasian Psychiatry | |
Health Literacy Among Canadian Men Experiencing Prostate Cancer | Seaton, C. L., Oliffe, J. L., Rice, S. M., Bottorff, J. L., Johnson, S. T., Gordon, S. J., Chambers, S. K. | Health Promotion Practice | |
Unpacking social isolation in men’s suicidality | Oliffe, J. L., Broom, A., Popa, M., Jenkins, E. K., Rice, S. M., Ferlatte, O., Rossnagel, E. | Qualitative Health Research | |
Better doctor-patient relationships are associated with men choosing more active depression treatment | Kealy, D., Rice, S. M., Ferlatte, O., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Oliffe, J. L. | Journal of The American Board of Family Medicine | |
Men, masculinities, depression: Implications for mental health services from a Delphi expert consensus study. | Seidler, Z. E., Rice, S. M., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Oliffe, J. L., Shaw, J. M., Dhillon, H. M. | Professional Psychology: Research and Practice | |
Intersecting transitions among 2S/LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness: A scoping review | Goodyear, T., Chayama, K. L., Oliffe, J. L., Kia, H., Fast, D., Mniszak, C., Knight, R., Jenkins, E. | Children and Youth Services Review | |
“You kind of blame it on the alcohol, but…”: A discourse analysis of alcohol use and sexual consent among young men in Vancouver, Canada | Goodyear, T., Oliffe, J. L., Kia, H., Jenkins, E. K., Knight, R. | Health |